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The Backside of the Desert

 Our pastor used that phrase to describe Paul’s last days. He felt like everyone had deserted him. All of his missionary friends *poof*. They all tapped out on him except for Luke. And they sat around in a jail cell and talked about all Paul had done. And Luke wrote it all down. Paul was in despair. He couldn’t see what God was doing at the time (writing actual scripture through Luke) but He knew what God’s track record was in his life. He was a rescuer and He never left his side. Not even for a minute.  Rewind to a year ago. I was in the backside of that desert. Pretty sure that God messed up because , “ how am I going through a divorce after almost 29 years of marriage? Where did *I* mess up? How was this even happening? And let me tell you. That desert was dry folks. Cause I was being stubborn. And mad. All at God. Well and maybe someone else. But being mad at God and that person just magnified the sin in my life. How I let God down so many times. How *I * failed in my marriage. And
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Just so grateful for…

 my life. I realize now the truth in every good and perfect thing comes from above.  If you would have asked me five years ago what I thought of divorce and if I’d ever go through it, my answer would have been I know God hates it and NO. I’d never go through a divorce. Funny what happens when you tell God YOUR plans.  But here I am. And you know what? I’m good. I’m more than good. I’m so gosh darn happy! I didn’t know I wasn’t happy and while I would have chosen to put the work into my marriage and try to make it better it didn’t happen. So again, here I am striving every day to be in the will of God and make Him proud of me. I couldn’t have done any of this in the past year and a half without Him.  Yesterday I went to the opening meeting for Online Catawba. It was amazing!! I felt like I walked into a little family. They were all so welcoming. My 3-5 pod is great! This is just another way this year that God has blessed me! I also get to stay at Lyle Creek and teach beside one of my be

Been a minute….

 I am dedicating this post to my mama. Not only do I want to tell you ‘bout my Jesus, I want to tell you ‘bout my mama.  When I say that I wouldn’t have made it this last year without her. I am in no way exaggerating. In three years I lost my dad, lost my marriage, had my one and only precious daughter fly from the nest, switched grade levels and now I’m switching jobs. In my world, I had a lot on my plate. I have many friends that kept me going! S,A, N,M,L and L - you know who you are. But friends, there is nothing like your mama. I don’t for one second want to take her for granted. She keeps me grounded. She drives me nuts with her “you need to’s” ( don’t all mamas do that? She makes me laugh. She is a goof! I think she got that from my dad. No way she could have been married to him without his goofiness rubbing off. We all got it. Lol. She talks sense in to me and tells me to be nice to people I really don’t want to be nice to.   I want to be exactly like her when I grow up. Mom, I

So small….

 Here is a song for you and me today: So here is another way God worked in my life and took care of me. The closing for my old house and the new house happened on the same day. So I was able to move from my old house to new one in one day. Now I know for certain this wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for my amazing realtor Robyn St. Clare! She is the best of the best and a Christian too. God knew I needed her! So I guess this is a raider today. God gave me the best realtor who I now consider a friend and bonus sister cause she adopted my mom. Hehe! And the closings went so smoothly. I’m tellin’ ya! Look at God!!!❤️ Hope you have a great day instead of just a good day! Love, Kelli

God Loves Me and You so much!!!

Before I write about one of the things God did for me, I want to share a verse with you. Ephesians 3:17-19 “May your roots go down deep into the soil of God’s marvelous love;   and may you be able to feel and understand, as all God’s children should, how long, how wide, how deep, and how high his love really is; and to experience this love for yourselves, though it is so great that you will never see the end of it or fully know or understand it. And so at last you will be filled up with God himself.” -The Living Bible Everyday God shows me that He loves me. He wants us to come to Him with even the tiniest things. I know that as a mother, I want Maddy to come to me with everything that is on her heart. I don’t care how silly it may be. I want to know her. And be there for her in every single aspect of her life. God is the same. He wants us to trust Him to come with all the tiny details in our lives. Things that give us anxiety and make us worry. Things that give us joy. And things that

Big changes

 So most of you probably know that Tony and I have separated and divorce is on the horizon. Not something that I saw coming but God did. Not how I thought my life story would play out but God knew. Tony and I have remained friends. When our marriage was good for a lot of years, it was really good. We have a beautiful daughter together. Neither one of us has it in us to be ugly or mean. It just isn’t our nature. So, friends it is. I wish him nothing but the best in his life. But, how did I really get to the point where I could say that? One word…Jesus. In the beginning I was very hurt. I was lost. 29 years is a long time to be married to someone and then not be married. To say it knocked the wind out of my sails is a gross understatement and it took me a bit to come to my senses. After the hurt came the anger. It’s not fair, stupid jerk, I hate him…all those things played over and over again in my mind. There was also embarrassment, a feeling of loss, grief if you will. This lasted for